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Systemic, broad-spectrum, nonselective, universal herbicide.
Eliminates annual and perennial weeds: broad leaved and grasses, aquatic weeds, woody shrubs and tobacco broomrape.
Recommended for tree crops over 2 years old, for annual crops that are cultivated in rows where the subterranean plant part is not edible, for field crops: after the harvest or before tillage and non-cropped areas
Glyphosate 36% (Glyphosate isopropylamine salt 48,6%)
  • Citrus trees (Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit), Almonds, Pome trees (Apple–pear), Stone fruits (Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines) Grapes (table and wine varieties) and Olives.
  • Cotton, Tobacco, Open field crops after the harvest or before sowing.
  • In non-cropped areas : Grasslands, non–crop borders, industrial areas, borders and roadsides, service areas as airport, industrial and public areas, ditch banks, dry ditches and canals, fencerows.
  • Borders of open irrigation channels.
Against the Broad-leaved weeds Malva spp (mallow), Urtica spp (nettle), Polygonum spp (knotweed weed), Ρortulaca oleracea (Purslane): with rates 4-6 lit/ hectare

Annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds: Spray the weeds with 1,5-2 lit / hectare at the period of their intensive development.

Perennial weeds: Use 5-10 lit / hectare when the weeds are in bloom or after their bloom.

For Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) particularly, use 7,5-10 lit / hectare, at the height of 15-30 cm.

Use against Sorghum halepense with 5 lit / hectare and for Convolvulus arvensis with 10 lit / hectare.

To control Cyperus rotondus, C.esculentus, C.spp. make the first spray with 6 lit / hectare and if needed use 5 lit / hectare in a second spray.

Use for ferns (Pteridium sp.) 5 lit / hectare, after the top unfolds.

Use for ferns (Pteridium sp.) with 5 lit / hectare, after the top unfolds.

Against the Broad-leaved weeds Malva spp (mallow), Urtica spp (nettle), Polygonum spp (knotweed weed), Ρortulaca oleracea (Purslane): with rates of 4-6 lit/ hectare.

Use against the woody shrubs with 5 - 10lit / hectare at their most intensive growth. Against aquatic weeds use 8-10 lit/ hectare before or during their blooming period.

Against Orobanche spp. in Tobacco: First spray with 0.4 lit /hectare, second spray with 0.6 lit/ hectare.

Glyphosate's mode of action is to inhibit enzymes involved in the synthesis of the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. It is absorbed through foliage and translocated to growing points. Because of this mode of action, it is only effective on actively growing plants; it is not effective as a pre-emergence herbicide.Glyphosate inhibits the EPSP synthase enzyme, which leads to depletion of key amino acids that are necessary for protein synthesis and plant growth.
  • 1 lit bottle, 12/ box
  • 5 lit drums, 4/ box
  • 10 lit drums, 2/box
  • 20 lit drums